DTI National Pavilion: Foodex Tokyo, Japan from 3 – 6 March 2015

Visitor Information and Registration:


Exhibitor Information:

Show Coordinator: Lesley Achilles
Phone: 021-8833860
Email: lesley@wosa.co.za
Starts: 3 March 2015
Ends: 6 March 2015
Country: Japan

The DTI extends an invitation to firms and other exporters of above mentioned Agro-Processing products to apply to participate in the Foodex 2015, scheduled to take place from 3 – 6 March 2015 in Tokyo, Japan. The deadline date for the submission of complete National Pavilion application forms is 3 October 2014.

The DTI will offer the following financial support to qualifying firms:
• Air travel assistance up to R13,000.00 (SMME’s and BOE’s)
• Daily subsistence allowance of R2,000.00 per day (SMME’s and BOE’s)
• Freight forwarding of display material
• Exhibition space and booth rental costs.

For more information visit: http://www3.jma.or.jp/foodex/en/
National Pavilion application forms and guidelines can be downloaded via the DTI website: http://www.thedti.gov.za/trade_investment/docs/emia/national_pavilions_manufacturing_app.pdf

For any enquiries pertaining to applications, sector and/or event please contact:

Ms : Dimakatso Magolego
Tel: 012 394-5476
Email: DRMagolego@thedti.gov.za

Mr: Makana Mandiwana
Tel: (012) 394 5282
Email: MGMandiwana@thedti.gov.za