WOSA-East Africa Tour 2015 (Nairobi, Kenya and Kampala, Uganda)

Visitor Information and Registration:

Website: http://www.thedti.gov.za/trade_investment/emia_ssas.jsp
Contact: Lesley Achilles

Exhibitor Information:

Show Coordinator: Lesley@wosa.co.za
Phone: 021-8833860
Email: lesley@wosa.co.za
Starts: 13 November 2015
Ends: 14 November 2015
Country: Kenya & Kampala

Wines of South Africa is organizing an East Africa Grand Tasting Tour 2015, in Nairobi, Kenya on 13th November 2015 and Kampala, Uganda on 14th November 2015.


Wines of South Africa is organizing an East Africa Grand Tasting Tour 2015, in Nairobi, Kenya on 13th November 2015 and Kampala, Uganda on 14th November 2015.


The objectives of these tastings are two fold - to promote awareness of the South African category and increase distribution and sales of our wines in these markets. We will therefore invite trade, media, consumers and portfolio managers working in the food and beverage/hospitality industry to the events.


We would like to present a full range of South African wines currently available to consumers in Kenya and Uganda as well as introduce new wine brands to the markets. All producers are invited to apply and secure tables. Application to secure tables will be made by the producer here in South Africa and will be handled by the WOSA Stellenbosch office.


There are only 25 tables available per event. Note that applications will be handled on first come first serve basis and be advised that in order to secure space we need your signed contract.


Facts about the event.


Nairobi, Kenya 

Date:  13 November 2015 

Time: 10:00 - 15:00 South African Wine Course presented to Trade

18:00 - 21:00  Trade, Media & Consumer (Walk Around Tasting)

Venue: Kempinski Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya 

Cost per table: R10 000 excl VAT


Kampala, Uganda

Date:  14 November 2015

Time:  10:00 - 15:00 South African Wine Course presented to Trade

18:00 - 21:00 Trade, Media & Consumer (Walk Around Tasting) 

Venue: Serena Hotel in Kampala, Uganda

Cost per table: R10 000 excl VAT


To apply for a table, please contact Lesley@wosa.co.za



Wines of South Africa will coordinate an application to the DTI SSAS Funding for assistance of emerging businesses to participate in this tour.


If you are interested to participate in this tour using the SSAS Funding scheme please inform Lauren on lauren@wosa.co.za by no later than  Friday 7 August 2015 before 15:00 who will send you an application form. Completed application forms together with the supporting documents are to be delivered to the WOSA office, for attention Lauren Mortlock-Davids by Wednesday 12 August 2015 before 12:00.


Please note that participation in this Tour will not be subject to SASS funding. If your company is not approved for funding by the DTI, you will still need to pay WOSA for the stands and may not pull out and applications will be handled on first come first serve basis (No late submissions will be accepted).


All Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises (up to 200 employees with annual turnover of no more than R25million) can apply for this funding.


See: http://www.thedti.gov.za/trade_investment/emia_ssas.jsp  for more information on EMIA SSAS Funding Scheme.


For queries please contact: 

Matome Mbatha Tel: 083 288 0174/ matome@wosa.co.za

Lesley Achilles (WOSA South Africa) Tel: 021 883 3860 / lesley@wosa.co.za