Hot stuff

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

After last year’s fabulously moderate harvest and extended growing period we’d almost forgotten about the traditional February heat spikes. They’re back with a vengeance and most winemakers are feeling the 30 degree-plus days keenly. The smart ones are staying in the cellar and blessing the cooling.

It’s not been a great season with gale-force wind around flowering time having taken around 30% of the potential harvest in some areas of Stellenbosch. Then there were those irritating little rain showers and cloudy days – that lead to mildew and rot and took yet more of the potential harvest.

One good thing is that there haven’t been any power cuts. It seems like just yesterday that every wine producer was rushing out and either buying their own generators or hiring them for the harvest season. After all, cooling is non-negotiable at this period.

SA wine stats has rejigged its latest estimates and according to its most recent figures the harvest will be in the region of 1.2 million tons, 87 000 tons less than last year (although the quality was fantastic) and 182 000 tons down on 2008 – but that was a record crop.