‘Tis the season

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

Seasonal madness is upon us. No, it’s not the festive season but rather the competition season. It seems that everyone in the winelands is scurrying about bottling and delivering wine samples to competition organisers or sitting on judging panels themselves.

By my count the last few weeks has seen the Platter Guide Five Star tasting taking place, the Young Wine Show, Michelangelo, South African Airways’ onboard selection, WINE magazine’s Best Value Guide judging and the Absa Top Ten Pinotage selection. Then there was the Cape Winemakers Guild Auction public tasting in Cape Town, followed by RMB Winex and right now The Mercury Wine Week is on in Durban.

In terms of results, Flagstone’s Semillon was announced as the winner of the coveted General Smuts Trophy for top honours at the Young Wine Show.  None of the other events have announced results just yet. And the Platter Guide has departed from its usual form this year because there is no Five Star tasting in London. Usually that’s been a catalyst to revealing which of the 150 or so wines put forward for the Guide’s ultimate rating have made it. This year the results will be kept under wraps until Platter’s is printed and launched in November. Already there are some antsy winemakers out there…